Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Day Trip to Seremban

16 December 2008
My housemates and Ikan
This is my first trip ever with my housemates outstation though it's not far. I woke up at 5.00 am. I don't know why I always have to be the first to wake up. Anyway, I was really excited about the trip since it's the first trip with them and I get to see my housemate's renovated house and his cute lil' dog...It feels like you're going on your first date..instead of just one guy, this is with a bunch of people.. *sevensome* :P
We planned to leave the house at 6.30 am and surprisingly, we're all on time. Since there were 7 of us, it was impossible to fit all of us in a small Proton car and my friend who hasn't had a chance to travel long journey by KTM *sshhhh....including me although I've been staying in Malaysia all my life* we decided to try once. So, my housemate dropped us at the Serdang KTM station and our journey began from there.
The train was on time this time. It came at 6.53 am. Right on the dot. The train wasn't pack so we got to rest our butts. Looking out the window throughout the whole journey, there were only trees and factories and houses. Nothing spectacular that caught my eyes. But still, I enjoyed the ride although a little sleepy due to the insuficient rest the night before. I found that chattering with my housemates and sight-seeing at the same time could be enjoyable thing to do.
Finally, after about an hour, about 8 am, we reached our destination (Seremban Station). When we got off the train, I was a little surprised to see a McDonald's booth there as I don't get to see it in other KTM stations, except KL Central. It makes me feel like some peculiar person who just came to the city. The feeling being in Seremban is like the feeling being in Malacca. It's less hectic compared to KL.
Since we have agreed to wait at the shopping mall opposite the KTM station, we crossed the busy road filled with cars that seems rather impatient to reach the finishing line in a race. But thank God, there's traffic light so we managed to crossed after all. Since the shopping mall is not opened yet, we decided to walk to A&W opposite the back of the shopping mall, while enjoying the morning cool breeze which is rather scarce in KL..unless you were imagining the air pollution as the 'morning cool breeze'..Then, it would be a different story.
Since my housemates hasn't arrive yet, we decided to wait inside of A&W . Smells of waffle and burgers greeted us once we entered that made our stomach growled even louder. In case you didn't know, we were all starving at that time but we decided that we will be patient and wait for the dim sum. Through the A&W glass door, I could see a park with a rather big lake. People of different races and age were jogging and taking a stroll around the park. Even kids. How health-conscious people are nowadays.
After waiting for some time, my housemates finally arrived in a Naza Ria. When they called us, only then we realised that my housemate went back to his house to change to a bigger car and the worst part of all, my housemate's mom offered my other housemates Famous Amos and other things and they made us wait empty stomach. So mean.. The car was so comfortable. But sitting behind makes you want to puke at times. The car seat was so slippery that we went sliding from left to right and right to left again. And like some weirdo, I explored the car. I couldn't helped but thought how sophisticated and beautiful the car is and how I wish I could own one. And the best part of all you can open one part of the top and stand up and feel the breeze. It feels like you're on cloud in movies..
Anyway, or first destination, the dim sum restaurant. We ordered so many things like we've never eaten before and gobbled and gobbled our food down. We were starving since 6.30 am, so you can't blame us. We all had 'siu mai', 'ha gau', 'char siew pau', egg tart, 'loh mai kai' and many others. I like the egg tart the best. It has a little 'kaya' in the middle of the custard. Something different and creative. The price of the breakfast is reasonable and the food are not too bad so it's satisfying.
Then, we went back to my housemate's house. What a beautiful house he have. Two single storeys combined into one. And his cute lil' white and grey dog, named Kiki greeted us at the door. It had clothes on and two ribbon on both of its ears. So adorable. As usual, I went and explored his house. Then, played with his dog. Its fur is as soft as petals on flowers. So nice to touch and cuddle.
Our second destination was the Ostrich Farm. From afar, I could see ostriches. The farm looks rather plain and uninteresting. Once I got down fron the car, only filthy smell of some animals' poo-poo greeted us. It's horrible. Anyway, we proceeded to ask how much was the entrance fee. RM 8 per person. We were deciding whether to go or not since it didn't manage to capture our attention but we ended up going after all.
The tour guide greeted us with a warm welcome under the burning afternoon sun and we were lead to the first section where he explained about the ostriches. I didn't know ostriches are one of the stupidest animal and its brain is the size of a pea only. Even its eyes are bigger and they're huge although they're only a year old. I can hide behind them and you won't be able to see me. We then headed for the ostrich ride. The ostrich is blindfolded so it won't be able to run away. We took turns to ride the ostrich and everyone laughed at each others' funny faces as we rode the ostrich. We climbed from the back and sat on the ostrich's back while their wings will be lifted up and be placed on our lap. When we hold their wings tightly and we're ready, it will start to walk. The most difficult part is to balance yourself while the ostrich walks. I even got the chance to stnad on 2 ostrich's eggs. Its size is appoximately the size of a rugby ball. And, I was freaking scared I break it when I stood on it. My heart was pounding really quickly..dup dup dup dup....Smiling for the camera and making sure that the eggs don't break is scary but a once in a lifetime experience.
After that, we watched the ostrich race. Do you know that Malaysia is the first country to have this? And, we are also the pioneer to bring in ostriches from Africa? The funny thing is how they stop the ostrich when they are sitting on the ostrich. They pull the ostrich's neck to the back like the gear in a car. I was laughing yet amazed by it. Then, it's time to see the products made out of ostriches' skins, feathers, oil and so forth. I bought a bar of soap made out of ostrich's oil too. Later, it's time for some FOOD!!! We tried the ostrich satay. Taste very much like chicken satay and its meat is tender so it's delicious. Overall, the tour was worth the entrance fee. I gained new knowledge about ostriches and had the chance to relax myself at the same time. After that, it's time for karaoke time!!!
We went to Green Box at Seremban's Jusco. It was about 2 pm when we reached. We spent 3 hours there singing our hearts out. It's no doubt I had a wonderful time with them. We took a lot of pictures too during our whole day outing. Those who would love to see, you can visit my Facebook :D We then head to my housemate's father shop to develop those photos. Looking back at those photos really make me want to laugh but it shows that we're enjoying ourselves as well. Later, it was time to head back to KL, where I call home.
Our one day trip did not just stop there. We then decided to go watch a movie and it was already about 6 or 7 pm when we left Seremban for KL. We talked and laughed during our journey home but I was a little tired I end up snoozing in the car until we reached Berjaya Times Square. Some of us went seperate ways and decided to meet at Pavilion after we're done. After some window shopping, we had dinner at Times Square and decided to walk to Pavilion. It's only about 10 minutes walk. And I am glad we did. Christmas decoration at Sungai Wang's main entrannce was beautiful. Passers-by taking photos and people walking and chattering makes me feel how lucky I am to be in a peaceful country. It was already about 10 pm that time. As usual, KL is always filled with many people and cars and this is worst still during this festive periods. We crossed the busy road to Pavilion and from a distance, I saw a gigantic and glowing Christmas tree standing tall at the entrance of Pavilion towering everyone that passes it.
Now, we went to look for our housemates and headed straight to the cinema for a late night show. The last task of our itinerary. We came to an agreement to watch Wild Child at 11.30 pm. We had to wait for about an hour before we were allowed to enter the cinema. How unfortunately while waiting, my stomach began making funny noises. It's time for nature call. Thankfully, the washroom is clean. After that, we all took a stroll and wait for the time to pass. And when the time comes, we headed back to the cinema. The seats are quite comfortable but I still prefer 1 Utama GSC's seats. We managed to get pretty good seats and the show was not too bad after all. It was a touching story and a little funny at the same time. By the time the show ended it was close to 1.30 am. Wow, I went out from morning till the next morning! My first ever! I was pretty exhausted and tired by the end of the day. So I dozed off the whole journey back home.
I am so happy and it is no doubt that this one day trip has bonded all of us closer again. And, I'm looking forward to this kind of trip again. Hopefully there'll be another one. Keeping my fingers crossed though. Hope we would be able to go out like this again before I graduate.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Wish Lists

My Materialistic Wish List:
1. Camera
2. New mobile phone
3. Paid-for-continuously-a-good-anti-virus program
4. Clothes
5. Shoes
6. New watch
7. New 2-piece swimsuit
8. Unlimited cash
9. Car
10. House

My Immaterialistic Wish List:
1. Endless Happiness
2. Endless Love
3. Good Health
4. Intelligence
5. Forgiveness
6. Kindness

Since my birthday is around the corner, I probably should hint people what to buy for me.. OK. This is weird. Do people create such list? I think I'm going psychotic soon.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


For once, I don't feel like a saddist when I write. This is awesome. Anyway, I'm supposed to finish my preparation for the coming presentation but I'm hooked to this. Sometimes I wonder the reason why I post my thoughts and feelings all here when I don't even know if I've got a single reader. This is like an electronic diary that people have access to..a pathway to your mind..scientifically and imaginarily..someone walking in your brain neurons, exploring every single thoughts of yours..

Well, by the way, if anyone who is reading this, if you happen to know anyone who knows about book (I mean story books) publication or any related field, please kindly leave a comment (that particular person's contact) here. I've got an intention to start writing. Probably bit by bit as I'm quite occupied at the moment. But there's a drive and a passion, which grows stronger each day, to start writing. Hopefully, I'll be able to publish a book some day or make movie. I know that they are people who can write better than me but I'm not going to stop trying. I know I'm too ambitious (I just can't help dreaming) and also a pessimist at the same time. I'm keeping my fingers crossed though.

It's best that I leave this or my work can never finish. Till then, take care.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Time flies so quickly that you don't notice the speed of it. The semester break seems as if it has just started but unfortunately, it is the other way round. A new semester had begun and work are just piling up on my desk. There are so much work to be done with certain time constraints. My hectic life has just began. Welcome to the world of a student..sleepless nights, endless worries about assignments, due dates, tutorials and the list goes on and on. Time is precious and it would be wise not to waste it. So, this is it.

Friday, October 3, 2008


It took me quite some time to actually realize things that I would have never realized if things did not happened as it did. Things seem to happened so fast, like a lightning flashed across the sky above yet its 'impact' had sent a visible message to me. Something that I should have known and realized from the start. It took me quite a while to really understand the hidden message, that everything happened for a reason and it's part of my life. In everyone's life as well I believe.

When someone conveyed the unpleasant news to me, I felt as if I had just been stabbed with a sword by an opponent. It hurts so much that I felt like the world is crumbling and tumbling down on me. I tried to hide my emotions but sad to say, I failed miserably. I blamed myself for so many things that I felt like there is not a single way that I would not have done so.

Then, I went to a bookstore one day and picked up a book, which is what I needed at that time to help me understand the unpleasant things that was and is happening to me. This book had taught me how to see myself in a different and broader perspective. After reading this book, I realized that every minute and hour ticked. No matter what has happened, there is not a single way that I could turn back the time nor could I change a single thing that has happened or the fate of other people. The only thing that I could change is myself, for the better. I believe there is always room for improvement.

I thought about a lot of things, people and the things they have said to me before. I can't deny the fact that I have not gotten over the unpleasant news but I'm trying though. Then, I found a note, or rather a message to me. After reading it, I realized that I am what I am now because of what I deserve to be and get. And, how much the people around me hurt so much seeing me hurt. I know God has arranged a path for us to walk and that He will not give us a test that He knows we are unable to go through. I just have to put in my best effort in everything I do and be patient and I know I will be rewarded.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Starting Anew

wow! I've taken another step to advancement in this kind of thing. It's an accomplishment for me. Little but significant enough in my life. I hope this is the start or a turning point in my life. This could be some petty things to some people but it is that little things that you do that leads you to success. People often does not realize the importance of the simple things in life. I mean not to the extent that one has to take into account every single details. Moderation is the key to success. So, here I am, starting a 'new' life. Life will always be a challenge but I have faith in myself that I can conquer my fears and be where I want to be. So, 'new' life..